It’s hot here today. Like, really really hot. So hot I’m starting to feel like a fish in a fish bowl. I am meant to be getting us ready for the holiday weekend. There are blogs to be posted. Sessions to be culled. Dishes to be washed and clothes to be folded.
Instead, I thought I’d share something pretty today.
This was a fun little project of mine that never made the post (until now, obviously). These are 4 separate images, created with the intent of making 1 large image or 2 diptychs. I’m eager to get these on my walls as canvases. My next wall art installation, if you will.. All shot on film, making it that much more dear to my heart – as I was not able to check the back of the camera to make sure that I ‘got the shot’. And this is why I love film so very much – it really pushes me to make sure that I am shooting with intent and not just shooting and hoping I get something nice. With that – these are 4 images displayed in 7 ways. I hope you enjoy! You can also find these images in my storefront just here: Sunflowers.