Central Park Photography with Nadine and Mackenzie

Sometimes I’m invited into a session that’s a little off my regularly walked path of weddings and family sessions. This session was just one of those days. Nadine and Mackenzie have been best of friends from their earliest days. However, as is with many friendships, moving and geography have made their day-to-day interactions sparse. With Nadine turning 15, her parents couldn’t think of a better gift than to bring the girls together for a weekend get-together. We connived and collaborated (as this was a surprise to the girls!) and agreed that a little lower east Central Park photography would be an ideal setting for some quiet moments between the friends as well as some essential NYC street shots.

Earlier this year, I was asked to photograph a similar session – but this time the girls were in their 30’s and this ‘girls weekend’ had been tradition throughout their lives.

Putting friends, family and our relationships at center stage gives me goosebumps. I’m simply overjoyed with this session and hope you enjoy the images, too!

